How to Travel on a Budget: My Road Lifestyle Blog

I'm a 20-year-old living in the back of my Hyundai Elantra. I call this car my "home," and it's been perfect for me so far. I've been able to travel around the world to places like Morocco, Portugal, and Canada with just a backpack and a trusty budget.

In a society that thrives on overspending, overbuying, and buying in bulk, I'm trying to show you guys that you don't need all of these things to be happy. In fact, maybe you'll find what you're looking for when you slow down from your busy lifestyle to enjoy some real moments in life. With a positive thought, you can do anything!

What is a road lifestyle?

A road lifestyle is for those who want to live life on the open road and want to explore this amazing world we live in, one city at a time. It's for those who don't want to be bound by the 9-5 job or the typical American lifestyle. It's about living your life the way you choose to. I wanted to show people that it's possible to live on the road and still have a great life. Yes, it's not easy, but I've been able to do it so far. When I'm not exploring new places or looking for a place to stay, I work online from my car at cafes or libraries.

Living in the back of your car

I've been living in the back of my car for a year and a half, and I'm going to tell you all about it! Living in a car does have its pros and cons.

The Pros: Living in a car has helped me save more money, only without paying rent or utilities, saving me more than $1,400 a month. I can use that extra money to go on spontaneous trips with friends or invest more in my blog.

The Cons: Car living isn't perfect for everyone. You will encounter some difficulties when you're on the road full time--things like finding parking spaces and finding public restrooms are just two examples of the challenges you'll face. However, these are just inconveniences that come with traveling around--they do not outweigh the benefits of this lifestyle choice.

My personal experience with budget traveling

I was able to see the world with just a backpack and my car. I've been living out of my car for the past six months, and it has been an awesome experience. I haven't spent more than $1,000 in that time (including gas). But before you think this is some glamorous lifestyle, let me tell you about the challenges I've faced. 

When I first started out, I remember packing up all my belongings into one box and wondering how much space would be left in the back of my car. Well, the space I had leftover was barely enough for me to sleep on! Also, it made it difficult to find parking spots because I could only park at Walmart or other big parking lots that were open 24 hours. There was also no storage room for groceries or anything else. It was hard but worth it because now I see places like Morocco and Canada on a budget!

How to get started on your journey

Getting started can be challenging. You might think you need a lot of money and expensive gear to travel, but it's not true. When I first started traveling full-time, I brought two backpacks and one tent when I went to Morocco. And guess what? It was perfect!

So when you're ready to start your journey, make sure you do these three things:

1. Figure out a budget for yourself
2. Pin the places that interest you most
3. Determine logistics, including how long your stay will be and if you need a visa


I hope my experience has served you to start your own journey. A journey is a life-changing experience. It changes your perspective, challenges you to grow, and it teaches you more about the world around you. The road lifestyle may sound a bit daunting at first, but with these tips, you'll be well on the way to a life-changing journey of your own.


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